Scales of Justice

$1M for Client Hurt in ‘Minimal Damage,’ Rear-end Collision

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Tye Smith of our Oklahoma City office began a trial on June 23, 2009, before the District Court in Tulsa County.  Both parties agreed to have the assigned judge make the ruling, instead of a jury.  Our client had chronic complaints of neck pain following a rear end collision where the investigating officer estimated the damage to our client’s vehicle at $100, and the front of the other vehicle at $50.  The other driver claimed our client was not hurt and that all of the x-rays and MRIs were normal.  Our client’s doctors responded that she had damage to the facet joints in her neck and had also developed a rare disorder called Complex Regional Pain Syndrome as a result of her neck injury.

After weeks of trial, the parties reached a settlement for $1,000,000.  The other driver had only offered $25,000 prior to trial.  We were extremely pleased to be able to help this very deserving client obtain this result.  The victory only came after much hard work and presentation of evidence to the Court.  In this case, we called a biomechanical engineer to explain to the court how our client was hurt in this seemingly “minor” impact and relied upon other techniques and strategies we have developed handling “minimal damage” cases over the years to obtain the result.  Let us work for you, too.

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