Scales of Justice

Carr & Carr Employees Share Spirit Of Giving With 11 Local Nonprofit Groups

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Carr & Carr emloyees donated to 11 non-profit organizations during this holiday season.

As we have done for the past several years, Carr & Carr has treated its employees from both offices to a yummy lunch at Five Oaks Lodge just outside of Jenks.  We play games and try to win prize money but the cash is not for ourselves; the prize money is donated to local non-profit groups.  Each employee who wins one of the games gets to select the organization to receive their winning money.

This year, Carr & Carr employees donated money to the following organizations:

  • Little Light House
  • Komen for the Cure
  • Tulsa Emergency Infant Services
  • All Souls Unitarian Church
  • Toys for Tots
  • Broken Arrow Neighbors
  • Broken Arrow Blue Star Neighbors
  • American Red Cross
  • St. Jude Children’s Hospital
  • John 3:16
  • Proyecto Angelitos Holiday Toy Drive

We are honored to be able to give back to our communities of Tulsa and Oklahoma City during this holiday season.

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