Uninsured Motorist Insurance is not required, but could definitely be useful to purchase. More than 30 percent of drivers are uninsured, it is well worth the money to ensure that you are covered in an accident when the other driver is uninsured or underinsured.
Again, you don’t have to purchase uninsured motorist insurance, but it is definitely a good idea to. We’ve had many clients who have been seriously hurt in a car wreck where the at-fault driver did not carry any automobile liability insurance.
If the client did not carry any uninsured\underinsured motorist coverage, then generally the client is not able to recover any compensation because there is no insurance coverage to go after.
What can also happen is you could be seriously hurt in a car wreck and the at-fault driver has automobile liability insurance but only carries the minimum amount of $25,000.00.
For example, if you are in a car wreck and have $100,000.00 in medical bills and the at-fault driver only has a minimum insurance policy of $25,000.00, then you will have a hard time paying off your medical bills let alone recovering anything for your pain and suffering.
However, if you carry uninsured\underinsured motorist coverage, then your insurance will kick in and compensate you for the value of your claim (up to the amount of your policy).
If you or a loved one have been in a car accident with an uninsured motorist, call the OKC car accident attorneys at Carr & Carr. We at Carr & Carr do more than simply fight for our clients.
Every one of us, from the receptionist waiting to greet you to the paralegals and attorneys, genuinely cares about you. We will listen to you and provide comfort and support when you need it.
We have offices in Tulsa, Oklahoma City, and Northwest Arkansas. Plus, we’ll drive to meet you no matter where you may live or work.